Certificate in Biblical Studies
A Certificate in Biblical Studies is our auditing program that allows the student to attend the courses offered at a reduced fee. The requirements of this program is to attend the courses per term, complete the required supplemental reading material, attend the Impartation Services and complete the monthly Christian Service hours.
Associates in Biblical Studies
The Associates Degree Program is the first tier of accreditation. These are prerequisites for our undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The courses taken in this program will provide the student with a solid foundation in biblical principles.
Bachelor of Biblical Studies
The Bachelor’s Degree Program is designed to provide an in-depth education in Biblical studies and theology. This program will equip you to pursue higher levels of Christian study.
Masters of Biblical Studies
The Masters of Biblical Studies degree program is an accelerated program designed to give the student a knowledge of advanced theological and biblical studies. This program provide esessential classes with an opportunity for specialization through our Ministry Practicum course.
Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)
The Doctorate of Theology is designed for the scholar who wishes to pursue the advanced level of studies to serve the church worldwide as teachers, pastors, and leaders. The course concentration will include biblical theology, basic Hebrew and Greek, church, congregational and ministry studies. This program provides an opportunity for specialization through our Ministry Practicum course.
The International Bible Training Center is fully accredited through the Transworld Accrediting Commission International (TAC). TACI accredits and assists Theological Schools, Seminaries, Universities, Colleges and Programs throughout the World.
9085 California Avenue • Riverside, California 92503
Voice: 951-901-5586 • Fax: 951-344-8236
All students are expected to maintain exemplary conduct at all times. Jesus Christ is our example of good conduct. Each student should maintain these standards of Christian lifestyle:
- Maintain a good strong relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Be a student of the Word of God.
- Be a person of prayer.
- Abstain from anything that could possibly hinder your relationship with God.
- There should be evidence of the fruit if the Holy Spirit in your life.
- Labor to please God in every area of your life.
- Attend church on a regular basis.
We reserve the right to refuse admission, to put on disciplinary probation, or to dismiss any student whose conduct and/or attitude, in the judgment of the administration, are not consistent with the standards that we wish to maintain.